Fourth Turning Bodhisattva Training

Step into collective transformation
We are an integrally informed community embracing the vows and path of the Bodhisattva - committed to elevating human consciousness and collective transformation. As we explore a deeper understanding of our developmental journey, and act on the wisdom cultivated through the Path of Practice we turn the wheel of multigenerational trauma toward harmony and flourishing.
We are allies of the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities and are mindfully engaged in cultivating diversity within our global sangha, recognizing the evolutionary potential in each individual. Guided by the principles of sacred humanism, we embrace the dynamic interplay of perspectives, the transformative power of shared meaning, and a united vision that drives our actions toward the greater good of the whole.
July 18-20, 2025 Intro to Planetary Dharma
Registration is open for our Summer 2025 offering. If you’re new to Planetary Dharma, this is the course for you!
Level 1: Foundations of Planetary dharma 2026
Coming in March 2025! Our application process for our 2026 cohort will launch soon.
a full spectrum path of practice
We offer an integrative path of interdisciplinary studies, therapies, and meditation practices curated to develop your understanding of the unique evolutionary journey of your own body, mind and heart. Rooted in age-old wisdom traditions, we explore the full-spectrum of human unfolding in our teaching curriculum to activate and realize flourishing and thriving in this lifetime. The three realms of development, along with other tools found the the nine disciples below, cover an entire lifetime of awakening, and provide a comprehensive and systemic presentation of the blossoming path to wholeness, integration and maturity. The philosophy and methods of this path honors and embraces every aspect of human consciousness. We look forward to sharing the knowledge and wisdom we have learned along the way, so that you may also pass it on.
The pre-personal realm of our human journey points to an aspect of our development that occurs before (pre) ego (personal) formation. This stage of development is pre-rational and pre-conventional. In this work our interventions aim towards healing our root cause traumas, wounded child, or left-behind parts. The pre-personal stage is usually accounted for by traditional developmental thinkers such as Grof, Piaget, Freud, Erikson, and Kohlberg.
The personal realm of development represents the formation of a “self” - the operating system for the soul. This stage of development is rational and conventional. Healthy ego development is the goal of development here, as it is essential for the whole self to be able to have the opportunity to actualize - or to have a realization or fulfillment of one's talents and potentialities. The personal stage is generally described by ego psychologists such as Kohut as well as humanistic psychologists such as Maslow.
The transpersonal realm of development experiences a sense of identity or self that extends beyond (trans) the individual (personal) to encompass wider aspects of humankind, life, psyche or cosmos. This stage of development is trans-conventional and trans-rational: development beyond personal or individual levels. Themes or facets of work that come up are: mythological death/rebirth, spiritual awakening and more. The transpersonal stage is well described by the psychological approaches of Assiagoli, Jung, Almaas, Washburn and Wilber. It is explored by the Indigenous traditions of the planet and the mystic lineages such found in Gnostic Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism.
Nine disciplines of the practice path
The nine disciplines of our practice path weave a rich tapestry of ancient healing wisdom, bringing it into the lives of our students. Our Dharma training programs deepen intellectual study, foster self-reflection, cultivate meditative awareness, and inspire real-life application of ethical principles, leading to the embodiment of profound, bone-deep wisdom. Drawing from planetary yogic traditions, Western esotericism, psychology, and somatics, our teachings integrate Buddhist contemplative science's foundational paradigms: Hinayana for individual healing, Mahayana for universal care, and Vajrayana for essence knowing.
Integral Maps
From the holistic AQAL and STAGES models to developmental psychology and Buddha’s 12 links of dependent origination we explore the foundations of human evolution to gain deeper cognitive understanding of the territory around us. This understanding supports the development of buddhi, the non-conceptual direct valid cognition.
alchemical medicine
Drawing upon the planetary alchemical life-sciences of Western Esotericism, Ayurveda, Chinese Taoist Medicine, and other indigenous healing approaches, we can live the personalized health practices that lead to our freedom from acute and chronic disease to healthy life, longevity and the rainbow transmutation of the physical body.
contemplative studies
The contemplative science of meditation offers us a higher education in development. Learning to calm the attentional system and develop metacognitive insight into the traumatic conditioning of the bodymind and the constructed nature of the human consciousness we purify traumatic distortions revealing the clear-light mind of our unbounded spacious awareness.
shadow work
Learning the processes of psychological alchemy allows us to integrate neglected personal developmental trauma and transpersonal contents of experience into self-awareness. By metabolizing our own “light” and “dark” projections we can explore personal and relational maturity through healing and developing the individual personality and soul.
Psychedelic & Expressive Therapy
Through expansive holotropic states of healing invoked through legal planet medicines, breath work, dance/movement, and chanting, we continuously support opening ourselves to a deeper, broader, and richer range of psychological experiences. For more info please email contact us at:
Planetary Dharma
As our planet transitions to another developmental cycle dharma is recalibrating to include the wisdom of perennial esotericism, modernity, post-modernity and meta-modernity. Such a planetary dharma is a fourth-turning teaching for this time supporting our journey to a more beautiful, true and good future.
somatic integration
By engaging in yogic practices such as Kriya & Kundalini yoga, the sacred intelligence of Mother (matter) consciousness supports our embodiment into the fullness of presence. Learning to relate to soma as a personal source of dynamic natural guidance that is holographically synchronized, the Gaia field supports our journey home to sacred world.
family & Relationships
Our healing and growth happens within the relational matrix of our personal lives. Learning to liberate our relational fields from multi-generational trauma, and to enter into the trust and security of Right Relationship with each other is fundamental to the development of enlightened culture and a planetary civilization of justice and love.
Social Action & community
Our personal journey is an expression of our collective process. This time on our planets asks us all to fully embrace the lessons of this life. Committing to social justice we engage in social action as an bodhisattvic nondual engagement in defending sacred world and healing and developing community. Check out Dharma Army for more information!

As our planet transitions to another developmental cycle, dharma is recalibrating to include the wisdom of perennial esotericism, modernity, post-modernity and meta-modernity. Such a planetary dharma is a fourth-turning teaching for this time supporting our journey to a more beautiful, true and good future.