Level 1: Foundations of Planetary Dharma

Integral wholeness 2025

A Hybrid Apprentice Level training in Planetary Dharma’s Fourth Turning System

with John Churchill, Nicole Churchill, Rollie Stanich, and integral visionary, Ken wilber

$4,900 | apply now! Registration opens Summer 2024

*This training will be held online for each of the modules & Bi-Weekly Practices, and one in person retreat.

Scroll down to apply!

Awaken The Bodhisattva Within

We are delighted to have you join us on a transformative journey of dharma practice and psycho-education. As you know, we live in extraordinary times that hold both great opportunity and great existential risk. Our planet is birthing the Fourth Turning of the Dharma, a process within our collective human psyche that is ushering in various paths that will support the next levels of human potential and unfolding.  Planetary Dharma is our offering to this Fourth Turning.

During this 10-month training you will explore:  

  • A planetary perspective of the transformational potential of humanity.

  • Gain an understanding of the psychological path that leads to new levels of human development and a healthy civilization through the lens of Integral AQAL.

  • The five central processes of Growing, Cleaning, Opening, Waking, and Showing up that lead to your integral unfolding, and in turn, awaken to the Radical Wholeness of your Bodhisattva.

  • Practice guided meditations working with body, heart-mind, breath, shadow, perspective taking, kundalini kriya and mantra to integrate the various aspects of Wholeness, experienced through the larger Planetary Dharma curriculum.

2025 schedule - dates coming soon!


Module 1 - Overview | Practice Day

Planetary Dharma Class occurring twice a month
All Online


Module 2 - Growing Up | Practice Day

Planetary Dharma Class occurring twice per month
All Online


Module 3 - Cleaning Up | Practice Day

Planetary Dharma Class occurring twice per month
All Online


Module 4 - Opening Up | Practice

Planetary Dharma Class occurring twice per month


Module 5 - Showing Up

Planetary Dharma Class occurring twice per month


Module 6 - Waking Up
Planetary Dharma Class occurring twice per month


In Person Retreat | Boulder Colorado

*If you’re unable to attend the retreat in person, recordings of the retreat will be available until the end of the September, 2025. The retreat will not be Zoomed live.

$250 retreat fees will be charged at a later date for students attending in person. Cost does not include airfare or accommodations.

Meet the Team

  • John Churchill


    Doctor of Psychology | Teacher of Buddha Dharma | Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine | Author

    Born in London, Dr. Churchill's interest in psycho-spiritual development, Integral theory, Contemplative studies, Western Esotericism, and Mahayana Buddhism began in his adolescence, eventually leading him to spend several years as a Buddhist monk at Samye Ling Monastery in Scotland. During this time, John received the esoteric Planetary Dharma transmissions that would in time unfold as his contribution to a planetary fourth turning teaching. 

    Dr. Churchill spent 15 years training and teaching “Great Seal” meditation in an Indo-Tibetan Mahayana lineage under the mentorship of the late senior Western teacher, translator, respected author, and clinical psychologist Dr. Daniel P. Brown.

    He is also a founding member of the Integral Institute led by esteemed Transpersonal/Integral philosopher, Ken Wilber.

    John has received advanced training in: attachment therapy, hypnosis, positive psychology for peak performance, and the “Pointing Out” style of Mahamudra meditation.

    For the last 25 years, John has developed a a Fourth Turning Planetary Dharma practice which includes the somatically based contemplative practice path; Embodying the Open Ground, that integrates psychodynamic healing, adult development and meditation. 

    John holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from William James College, and is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

    Married to his partner, Nicole since 2000, they share two teen-agers together - Trinity and Bodhi (and 3 dogs….Leo, Harper and Moose).



    Ken Wilber, a visionary thinker of inspired genius, is the developer of an “integral theory of everything” that embraces the truths of all the world’s great spiritual, scientific, and philosophical traditions. He is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books translated into some 30 foreign languages. Ken Wilber currently lives in Denver, Colorado, and is still active as a philosopher, author, and teacher, with all of his major publications still in print.

    Often referred to as the “Einstein of consciousness studies,” Ken Wilber is a preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of development.

    Ken Wilber is also the founder of the Integral Institute, which is the first organization fully dedicated to advancement and application of the Integral Approach in relation to contemporary global issues. It was formed in collaboration with over 200 scholars and experts, specializing in education, politics, business, medicine, psychology, spirituality, as well as law and criminal justice.

    In 2007 Wilber co-founded Integral Life, a social media-hub dedicated to sharing the integral vision with the world wide community, as well as documenting and catalyzing the progress of the integral movement.

    In 2024 Ken partnered with Dr. John and Nicole Churchill of Planetary Dharma to co-create a Fourth Turning Program dedicated to the rebirth of wisdom civilization and the emergence of the Sacred World. This partnership will also develop media and curricula relating to Ken’s most recent book “Finding Radical Wholeness” (2024) – a book that Ken says is the most important and significant book he has ever written.



    Psychedelic Therapist | Board Certified Music Therapist | Transpersonal Counselor | Kundalini Yogini

    Nicole is a psychedelic therapist with advanced training and credentialing in Mindfulness-Based Psychedelic Therapy through the Center for Medicinal Mindfulness where she was on staff for several years. She has extensive training in the healing arts and is a board certified Music Therapist, Transpersonal Counselor, Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor, and an Expressive Movement Facilitator.

    She is a founding member of the Integral Institute led by esteemed Transpersonal/Integral philosopher, Ken Wilber, and was mentored for 15 years by respected author and clinical psychologist Dr. Daniel P. Brown. She has completed advanced training in the following areas: attachment therapy, hypnosis, gestalt, addictions, anxiety disorders, depression, conflict resolution, positive psychology for peak performance, CCRT (Core Conflict Relational Themes), and the “Pointing Out” style of Mahamudra meditation.

    Nicole earned her BA from Boston’s world renowned Berklee College of Music (1993), where she majored in voice and songwriting. She was awarded a dual Masters from Naropa University in Boulder, CO, where she studied Transpersonal Psychology and Music Therapy (2001).

    In addition to her clinical work, Nicole is the Co-Founder of Planetary Dharma and is the Executive Director of the Karuna Mandala Initiative, a 501 (c) (3) umbrella organization that nurtures, cross-pollinates, and actualizes projects that aim to raise human consciousness and develop wisdom culture in support of a good, true, beautiful, and sustainable future for our planet.

    Married to her partner, John since 2000 they share two teen-agers together - Trinity and Bodhi (and 3 dogs….Leo, Harper and Moose).



    Rollie Stanich grew up in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He was awarded the University of Calgary's highest scholarship for four consecutive years, and graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Management in 1990. He taught at the University's Faculty of Continuing Education for several years, then worked for ten years in software development in Montreal.

    Rollie assisted with the early development of the Integral Naked website and joined Integral Institute as the site's Managing Editor in 2004. A year later, he was appointed to his present position as Chief Facilitator of Integral Spiritual Center. He co-organized numerous ISC seminars on Integral Buddhism and Integral Christianity and the ISC Teachers' Gatherings of 2005, 2006, and 2007. Rollie presented on the work of James Fowler and Ken Wilber at the third ISC Teachers' Gathering, and is a frequent teacher at Boulder Integral, Denver's Buddhist/Christian Interfaith Group, and at Integral Salons and seminars across the U.S. and Canada.

    Rollie's spiritual path is that of contemplative Christianity. He is a practitioner of Centering Prayer and a longtime student of Fr. Thomas Keating. He co-wrote and co-produced the 2008 Integral Life DVD The Future of Christianity, and is currently writing a book about Integral Christianity entitled Who do You Say that I Am?

    Rollie’s book “Integral Chirstianity: The Way of Embodied Love” was published in May, 2021.

course application

Interested in our training? Please fill out our application and we will be in touch shortly! We look forward to hearing from you!